
Missteps by David Cook

The beam of the lighthouse blares down upon the rocks. It warns sailors away, yes, but it also illuminates the sullen outcrop where you and I dance, a nightly ritual to ward off the angry spirits of those shipwrecked in the dark years before the lighthouse was built. We two are merely the latest. Dancers… Read more Missteps

Passing On

Passing On by David O'Neill

The smoke from the fire drifted through the air and hazed across the full moon, painting it a delicate eggshell blue.  Flames curled and wove around each other as they reached for the sky, throwing sparks into the night air, their short lives bright and quick as they tried to escape before fading away.  Fingers… Read more Passing On

The Winner

The Winner by Lisa Fox

The kind wizard Benne presided over a quiet, forested hamlet deep within the vast province of Usam. It was a land where lush emerald hills rolled like waves under an expansive purple sky and glittering leaves shined from trees that reached as high as the clouds. The three-eyed gnomes, owl-nymphs, and round-eared trolls residing there… Read more The Winner